European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

The bridge project June 2015


             Draft for bridge project in ECoC office May 16, 2015


The bridge project in Wroclaw 2016

They are works of architecture, historical engineering, and art which connect a dozen islands within the city of Wrocław. Soon, the centuries-old history of more than 100 bridges will be brought to the public by an array of artists.

The curator of the Mosty (Bridges) project, Chris Baldwin, explains that "for one day, we are going to stop the city, and transform these bridges into cultural sites". According to Baldwin, the aim is to find an interesting story which will inspire groups of young people to take over a bridge, transforming it into the venue of a cultural or artistic happening. A whole series of events will take place in June 2015. The finalisation of the project is to coincide with the official announcement of the programme for Wrocław’s year as European Culture Capital in 2016. Meanwhile, invites you to take a brief virtual tour across the bridges of Wrocław – our Venice of the North.





          The various bridges involved in the June event


 Poetry Workshop: Olawski Bridge - Hatto Fischer

in the bookshop Taine Komplety Reynek, May 14, 2015



           Hatto Fischer giving a presentation about the Olawski Bridge


               The Olawski Bridge is "eine verwunschene Brücke" - an enchanted bridge





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